Microeconomics (GE)(7版)站長評比
博客來網路書局博客來 1. Balanced Coverage of both Traditional and Modern Theories: Core microeconomic theoriesconsumer theory, theory of the firm, and perfect competitionare covered thoroughly in the first half of the book, followed by a fully uptodate, authoritative treatment of modern theoriessuch as game theory,strategies, uncertainty, and moral hazard.
博客來網路書店歡迎您2. Realworld Examples and Applications: Hundreds of examples and applications use real people, real companies, and real data to illustrate microeconomic theory. Providing valuable practical perspective, abundant examples and applications showcase the versatility of modern microeconomics.
博客來網路書店>博客來書店3. Keep Your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, exercises, and statistics appear throughout the text.
- 新功能介紹 作者: Jeffrey M. Perloff
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/04/01
- 語言:英文
智慧型手機晶片市場及技術發展趨勢 | 反脆弱:脆弱的反義詞不是堅強,是反脆弱 | ||
富足:解決人類生存難題的重大科技創新 | 群聚在地的幸福力量 | ||
引爆趨勢:小改變如何引發大流行 | 長春石化先導型ERP:抓住台灣的資訊競爭力 |

智慧型手機晶片市場及技術發展趨勢 | 反脆弱:脆弱的反義詞不是堅強,是反脆弱 | ||
富足:解決人類生存難題的重大科技創新 | 群聚在地的幸福力量 | ||
引爆趨勢:小改變如何引發大流行 | 長春石化先導型ERP:抓住台灣的資訊競爭力 |
Microeconomics (GE)(7版)站長評比

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