英文 II(一版)最新潮流
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內容簡介: 博客來網路書店1. 本書根據教育部民國八十七年九月公佈之職業學校英文 I 、II 課程標準編寫而成。2. 本書共貳冊,各十二課,適合職業學校一年級第一、二學期、每週授課2~4 節、4~8 學分之英文課程教學之用。3. 本書配合學生學習所需,編纂簡易有趣與日常生活相關的內容,包括個人關係、嗜好、興趣與休閒活動、書信範例、文化習慣、社區關係、現代科技、文學作品介紹等。4. 每課課文後之字彙(Vocabulary)及片語與慣用語(Idioms and Phrases)係根據其在課文中使用的意義,予以中英文雙解,所有字彙皆註明詞性,動詞標示以及物(v.t)與不及物(v.i),名詞則說明可數 [c]與不可數[u],並附有簡易例句,幫助學生了解與活用各詞彙的正確用法。5. 為配合實際教學需要,每課之後還包括會話 ( Dialogue )、發音 ( Pronunciation ) 和句型與口頭練習 (Sentence Structure and Oral Practice)。會話部份目的在教學生活用課文中出現的文法、字彙及片語,以簡易的英語交談。發音部份則由認識最基本的 K.K.音標、母音及子音的規則與不規則變化 到標準語調練習,希望同學能說一口正確的英語。句型和口頭練習係藉著將課文中出現的文法規則,由淺入深,由簡到繁地作句型結構的分析,並配合口頭練習,使學生能熟悉基本文法的 使用原則。6. 本書每課均附有各類型的習題(Exercises),包括課文內容測驗、文意字彙複習、介系詞、翻譯及 文法。7. 本書字彙之音標採美國語言學家J.S. Kenyon與T.A. Knott兩氏所編著「美語發音字典」(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English)之K.K.音標。TIME FOR JOKESFigures
G. K. Chesterton was a very heavy man with a good sense of humor. One time, when meeting his friend, George Bernard Shaw, Chesterton regarded the playwright\’s slim body and said, ”Looking at you, Shaw, people would think there was a famine in England.”
Eyeing the other\’s heavy figure, Shaw replied, ”And looking at you, Chesterton, people would think you were the cause of it.”Old Friends
A businessman was sitting quietly in a restaurant eating his lunch when suddenly a stranger spoke to him.
”Hi, there, Simon!” shouted the man. ”My God, what happened to you? You used to be short, now you\’re tall. You used to be blond, and now you\’re dark-haired. You used to have blue eyes, and now they\’re brown!”
The businessman was polite but firm. ”I beg your pardon, sir, but my name\’s not Simon.”
”My God!” exclaimed the other. ”You changed your name, too!”The Long Speech
At an army welcome party, the arrogant commanding general of the base was delivering a long boring speech. A young second lieutenant, tired of standing, muttered to the woman at his side, ”What a boring old fool he is.”
The woman turned to him at once and asked, ”Lieutenant, do you know who I am?”
”No, I don\’t, Ma\’am.”
”I am the wife of the \’boring old fool,\’ as you call him.”
”Oh, my!” the face of the young lieutenant turned pale. ”Do you know who I am?”
”No, I don\’t,” said the general\’s wife.
”Thank God!” the lieutenant replied, slipping off into the crowd.
Adapted from Jokes and Anecdotes for All Occasions by Ralph L. Marquard.作者簡介張月珍學歷
台灣大學英美文學博士 現任
英文 II(一版)最新潮流 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: 張月珍、魏馥梅
- 出版社:匯華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2000/09/15
- 語言:英文
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