American Roots-Readings on U.S. Cultural History人氣單品
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內容簡介: This reading skill-builder is designed to enrich students? study of English while also providing a general understanding of the social, cultural, economic, and political forces that have shaped the United States.
Written for intermediate-level students, American Roots includes articles written in a variety of styles. These readings describe major events, people, and trends within nine broad historical periods, and 博客來書店are designed to increase reading confidence while building knowledge of U.S. history and culture.
Readings are accompanied by maps, photos, charts, and graphs, as well as follow-up exercises to strengthen reading skills, including:
Identifying main ideas and det博客來ails.
Separating fact from opinion.
Understanding inferences, and more. In addition to building reading skills, American Roots also improves speaking, listening, and writing as students work through a variety of activities.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Blanchard.Root
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2001/06/29
- 語言:英文
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American Roots-Readings on U.S. Cultural History人氣單品
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American Roots-Readings on U.S. Cultural History人氣單品