Penguin 6 (Adv)- Business @ the Speed of Thought開箱文

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Penguin 6 (Adv)- Business @ the Speed of Thought開箱文 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Here's the lat博客來博客來網路書局est from the Microsoft Maven: Businesses should use computers, email should be the preferred method of corporate communication, and e-commerce will change the world. Jonathan Marosz narrates this less than scintillating work in a monotone that makes the book seem twice as long as it is. Perhaps it's the material. Marosz has a good voice for narrating beca博客來網路書店use it's low and soothing. But he needs to work on his pacing and breathing. Too many sentences are read without pauses or inflections, and many important words get lost because he doesn't highlight them or give them emphasis. This is a disappointing book all around. R.I.G. (c) AudioFile, Portland, Maine博客來書店

Penguin 6 (Adv)- Business @ the Speed of Thought開箱文 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:東華    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2002/03/09
  • 語言:英文

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Penguin 6 (Adv)- Business @ the Speed of Thought開箱文


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